Just because a company was once considered a bastion of integrity doesnβt mean that it still is. Just because an industry was once considered good for the people, doesnβt mean that it still is. Just because a government was once considered a beacon of light to the world, doesnβt mean…
Category: poetry
This is not who we are…
This is not who we are…
This is not a news story…
This is not a political agenda…
This is not a personal vendetta…
Sin eating
The sin eaters are long since gone,
choked to death on the generational build up
that clogged the Faith.
Lying legs
Tonight, the crickets are singing their beautiful lies
Of a world not half dead
At least that’s what I hear in their cryptic lyrics.
Does that make me a romantic?
It’s hard to know for sure.
oh well…Crickets freak me out anyway.
One really shouldn’t sing through their legs if they want to be taken seriously.
Life and Death, a poem
Bombs fall
Babies cry
Lovers sigh
Β …Life
You fat cats in your filibuster suits
A Lesson from Childhood
A world which shines from its own inner glow.
My mind wandered to stories told to me.
I was sure the dark shadow below
The surface was the awful whale of old